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In-home Care Services for People of all ages
Community Access Services for Children with Special Needs
Supported Employment Services Programs for People of all ages
LCFS Glossary*
* Unless otherwise noted all entries are from the Medicare Glossary

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LARGE GROUP HEALTH PLAN - A group health plan that covers employees of either an employer or employee organization that has 100 or more employees.
LARYNGECTOMY* - A laryngectomy is a surgical procedure involving the removal of the voice box and other surrounding structures as a treatment for cancer of the larynx. Whether the procedure involves a partial or complete laryngectomy is dependent upon the precise location and involvement of the tumor. Surgery or surgery combined with radiation may be recommended for newly diagnosed patients, or for those in which the tumor has not responded to radiation.

* WebMD Medical Library
LEARNING DISABILITY/LEARNING DISORDER* - A disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or using language, spoken or written, which may manifest itself in an imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or do mathematical calculations. The term includes, but is not limited to conditions such as perceptual handicaps, brain injury, minimal brain dysfunction, dyslexia, and developmental aphasia. The term does not include children who have learning problems which are primarily the result of visual, hearing, or motor handicaps; mental retardation; emotional disturbance; or environmental, cultural, or economic disadvantages.

* Our Special Kids.Org
LEAST RESTRICTIVE ENVIRONMENT* - The usual or most typical environment possible for instruction, treatment, and/or living. When applied to education, the least restrictive environment is the regular (mainstream) classroom. For students who have disabilities, the student's IEP team will determine what is the least restrictive environment that will enable the student to function and benefit from their educational program. One of the considerations in determining LRE is that the proposed setting or placement provides the student with contact with children without disabilities "to the maximum extent appropriate" (while meeting all the child's learning needs and physical requirements). Consideration and requirement of LRE is an important component under I.D.E.A.

* Our Special Kids.Org
LIABILITY INSURANCE - Liability insurance is insurance that protects against claims for negligence or inappropriate action or inaction, which results in injury to someone or damage to property.
LICENSED - This means a long-term care facility has met certain standards set by a State or local government agency.

Significant Points - Training lasting about 1 year is available in about 1,100 State-approved programs, mostly in vocational or technical schools. Nursing care facilities will offer the most new jobs. Applicants for jobs in hospitals may face competition as the number of hospital jobs for LPNs declines.

Nature of the Work - Licensed practical nurses (LPNs), or licensed vocational nurses (LVNs), care for the sick, injured, convalescent, and disabled under the direction of physicians and registered nurses.

Most LPNs provide basic bedside care, taking vital signs such as temperature, blood pressure, pulse, and respiration. They also prepare and give injections and enemas, monitor catheters, apply dressings, treat bedsores, and give alcohol rubs and massages. LPNs monitor their patients and report adverse reactions to medications or treatments. They collect samples for testing, perform routine laboratory tests, feed patients, and record food and fluid intake and output. To help keep patients comfortable, LPNs assist with bathing, dressing, and personal hygiene. In States where the law allows, they may administer prescribed medicines or start intravenous fluids. Some LPNs help deliver, care for, and feed infants. Experienced LPNs may supervise nursing assistants and aides.

In addition to providing routine beside care, LPNs in nursing care facilities help evaluate residents’ needs, develop care plans, and supervise the care provided by nursing aides. In doctors’ offices and clinics, they also may make appointments, keep records, and perform other clerical duties. LPNs who work in private homes may prepare meals and teach family members simple nursing tasks.

Training, Other Qualifications, and Advancement - All States and the District of Columbia require LPNs to pass a licensing examination after completing a State-approved practical nursing program. A high school diploma or its equivalent usually is required for entry, although some programs accept candidates without a diploma or are designed as part of a high school curriculum.

In 2002, approximately 1,100 State-approved programs provided training in practical nursing. Almost 6 out of 10 students were enrolled in technical or vocational schools, while 3 out of 10 were in community and junior colleges. Others were in high schools, hospitals, and colleges and universities.

Most practical nursing programs last about 1 year and include both classroom study and supervised clinical practice (patient care). Classroom study covers basic nursing concepts and patient care-related subjects, including anatomy, physiology, medical-surgical nursing, pediatrics, obstetrics, psychiatric nursing, the administration of drugs, nutrition, and first aid. Clinical practice usually is in a hospital, but sometimes includes other settings.

LPNs should have a caring, sympathetic nature. They should be emotionally stable, because work with the sick and injured can be stressful. They also should have keen observational, decisionmaking, and communication skills. As part of a healthcare team, they must be able to follow orders and work under close supervision.

* U.S. Department of Labor
LIVING WILLS - A legal document also known as a medical directive or advance directive. It states your wishes regarding life-support or other medical treatment in certain circumstances, usually when death is imminent.
LONG-TERM CARE - A variety of services that help people with health or personal needs and activities of daily living over a period of time. Long-term care can be provided at home, in the community, or in various types of facilities, including nursing homes and assisted living facilities. Most long-term care is custodial care. Medicare doesn't pay for this type of care if this is the only kind of care you need.
LONG-TERM CARE INSURANCE - A private insurance policy to help pay for some long-term medical and non-medical care, like help with activities of daily living. Because Medicare generally does not pay for long-term care, this type of insurance policy may help provide coverage for long-term care that you may need in the future. Some long-term care insurance policies offer tax benefits; these are called "Tax-Qualified Policies."


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