* Unless otherwise noted all entries are from the Medicare Glossary
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
ECHOLALIA* - A meaningless repetition or imitation of words that are heard. Typical echolalia tends to be repetitive and persistent.
The echo is often uttered with a mocking, mumbling or staccato intonation. Echolalia should not be confused with habituation repetition of questions,
apparently to clarify the question and formulate its answer, as when a patient is asked, "When did you come to the hospital?" and replies "Come to the
hospital? Yesterday." Echolalia is observed in some pervasive developmental disorders, organic mental disorders and in schizophrenia.
* Our Special Kids.Org
ELDERCARE - Public, private, formal, and informal programs and support systems, government laws, and finding ways to meet the needs
of the elderly, including: housing, home care, pensions, Social Security, long-term care, health insurance, and elder law.
EMERGENCY CARE - Care given for a medical emergency when you believe that your health is in serious danger when every second counts.
EMOTIONAL/BEHAVIORAL DISORDER* - An educational or school-based term and not a specific diagnosis. It generally refers to a
situation in which the student has significant or prominent problems adhering to the expected behavioral standards and/or in regulating their
emotional state.
* Our Special Kids.Org
EMOTIONAL DISTURBANCE/EMOTIONALLY DISTURBED* - In general, dysregulation or inability to maintain emotional state and behavior within
"normal" or accepted range of variation.
* Our Special Kids.Org
EMPLOYER GROUP HEALTH PLAN (GHP) - A GHP is a health plan that: Gives health coverage to employees, former employees, and their
families, and is from an employer or employee organization.
EPISODE OF CARE - The health care services given during a certain period of time, usually during a
hospital stay.
EXPRESSIVE LANGAUGE* - The use of language to communicate and/or express one's ideas, feelings, etc. Can apply to spoken (oral)
communication skills, written communications, or gestural (signing).
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