* Unless otherwise noted all entries are from the Medicare Glossary
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
FACILITATE* - To make easy or easier. As used in communication: The increased ease of performance of any action, resulting from the
lessening of nerve resistance by the continued successive application of the necessary stimulus, i.e., hand over hand assistance.
* Our Special Kids.Org
FAMILIAL* - Occurring in members of the same family; said of certain diseases or disorders.
* Our Special Kids.Org
FINE MOTOR* - The use of small muscle groups for controlled movements, particularly in object manipulation. Such as movements our
hands make, how we hold onto things, move our fingers, etc.
* Our Special Kids.Org
FINE MOTOR DEVELOPMENT/SKILLS* - Development of precise and delicate abilities such as reaching, grasping, and the manipulation of
small objects.
* Our Special Kids.Org
FRAUD AND ABUSE - Fraud: To purposely bill for services that were never given or to bill for a service that has a
higher reimbursement than the service produced. Abuse: Payment for items or services that are billed by mistake by providers, but
should not be paid for by Medicare. This is not the same as fraud.
FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) - A law that requires the U.S. Government to give out certain information to the public
when it receives a written request. FOIA applies only to records of the Executive Branch of the Federal Government, not to those of the
Congress or Federal courts, and does not apply to state governments, local governments, or private groups.